Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Happier times for Britney Spears
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[ # ] Happier times for Britney Spears
January 8th, 2008 under Britney Spears

ETonline obtained the cover of OK! magazine with Britney Spears posing with her boys for the first time for a magazine and the last day she spent with them. Amazing what would happen only hours after that picture was taken. So sad.
BTW what did they do to Sean Preston and Jayden James because they don't look anything like the pictures we have been seeing of them taken by the paparazzi especially Sean Preston. They look like dolls.  
UPDATE: OK! Magazine has more information about the pictures that Britney Spears took with her boys weeks before (correction not the day) she lost the boys.
“She was very loving,” Brubaker recalls. “She told me she loved her children and that they are her life." And far from being the neglectful parent some would portray her as, the photographer tells OK! that Brit was "very attentive" to the needs of her sons.

As for the 26-year-old singer's reaction to the shots of her with her sons, Brubaker reveals, “I’m told that when she saw the photographs she literally cried for over an hour and stared at them all night long.”

So if merely looking at photos of her children has Britney in tears, that would explain why, according to a friend of the singer, the young mom is “inconsolable” right now as the chance of her winning the custody battle for her children looks increasingly slim. “Those boys are her everything, and she’s said repeatedly that life isn’t worth living if she can’t have her babies with her,” says the friend.

The friend adds that Britney would say goodbye to the music business to look after her boys. “The only reason she’s doing this is because she wants them to look up to her onstage and be like, ‘That’s my mama,’ and be proud of her. She’d put her life before them and die for Jayden and Preston. They’re her whole world.”

Reveals the friend, "“Britney has always said, ‘I would die for my boys if that’s what it took to prove I loved them. I’d do anything for them.’ ”
Check out OK! for more pictures of happier times for Britney Spears and her two boys when it comes out on Thursday. 

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