Seriously? OMG! WTF? » H8r a show you will love to h8!
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[ # ] H8r a show you will love to h8!
September 14th, 2011 under The CW

Ever wonder what it would it be like to confront the celebrity you h8, well now you can see what it is like when celebs meet their h8rs. H8r debuts on The CW tonight at 8p and Snooki and Jake Pavelka are the first victims. One will be liked and one will still be h8ted. Can you guess who has a new fan and who continues to have a H8r?
The show is an interesting concept I wanted to h8, but I actually liked. By the celebrities confronting their h8rs you actually get to see then in a new way. In fact sometimes the H8r is seen more in a negative light than the person who we got to know by the television light. Isn’t that weird?
In the next few weeks Mario Lopez will have Eva Longoria, Janice Dickinson, Kim Kardashian and many more meet their h8rs and I hope they go as badly as one of the ones tonight!!! So tune into The CW at 8p every hump day before America’s Next Top Model All-Stars, to watch a show you will love to h8!


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