Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Guillermo kicked a soccer ball on to Jimmy Kimmel’s balls!!!
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[ # ] Guillermo kicked a soccer ball on to Jimmy Kimmel’s balls!!!
June 13th, 2014 under Jimmy Kimmel

Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live the ABC late host decided to talk about the World Cup starting and mentioned that his sidekick Guillermo is a big fan of the sport. So Kimmel wanted to test out his buddies soccer skills by kicking a ball towards the weekend goalie. As soon as the security guard had his back turned, Jimmy kicked the ball at him and narrowly missed. After a few kicks, the two switched positions and Karma caught up with Kimmel. That’s ecause Guillermo kicked the ball in such a way that it got familiar with two other balls. The black and white ball, made Jimmy’s balls black and blue. Good thing his has a baby on the way or his second wife might not have had any children of her own with him.
BTW I have always loved Guillermo, but this made me love him a little bit more.


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