Seriously? OMG! WTF? » GSN bringing back The Newlywed Game!
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[ # ] GSN bringing back The Newlywed Game!
December 20th, 2008 under Game Shows

GSN is remaking The Newlywed Game in a modern way according to The Hollywood Reporter.

“Marriage has changed over the years — what couples talk about, what they fight about,” said Davies, a fan of the original. “So there will be a lot of updating just by the fact of our casting. In doing presentations, it’s become clear to us that wives today are far more vocal than in the previous episodes. There’s just a lot of guys looking concerned that they’re about to get in trouble — and usually they do. It’s thoroughly entertaining.”
Davies added that he’s also casting for what he calls “goldyweds” — couples who appeared on the original show — to compete against the newlyweds. Like the original, the new show will feature couples who have been married for two years or less.

As of now GSN has only 40 episodes of the show that is premiering in Febrauary, but I have a feeling they will be ordering a lot more! That is if is as good as the original!


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