Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Grimm goes out with one of the best series finales ever
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[ # ] Grimm goes out with one of the best series finales ever
March 31st, 2017 under Sean Hayes

Remember how pissed off you were with the series finales for Seinfeld, Lost, How I Met Your Mother, Dexter, The Sopranos and many many more? Well, that is not the case for Grimm that ends it run tonight at 8p after six epic incredible seasons on NBC.

While most Sci Fi shows don’t know to mix the monster of the week with mythology smoothly, Grimm was able to mesh those plotlines perfectly. That is why it was so easy to be a fan of the show for all six seasons. It was a well done show with great writing, acting and fairy tales to watch play out. Plus, the Wesens were always scary looking, which is what is expected from a Horror show like this.

Now lets briefly talk about tonight’s final episode. Remember last week, when Hank (Russell Hornsby) and Wu (Reggie Lee) were killed by the Skull Man and they were not able to be brought back to life with the healing stick? Remember how devastated you were? Well, that was just the beginning, the Skull Man is going to kill more of them. Who will survive? Will Adalind (Claire Coffee) survive? Will Renard (Sasha Roiz)? Will Eve (Bitsie Tulloch)? Will Monroe (Silas Weir Mitchell)? Will Rosalee (Bree Turner)? Will Trubel (Jacqueline Toboni)? Will Nick (David Giuntoli)? Or will they all die?

Let’s just say it as epic as Angel’s series finale. Even more epic because unlike Angel, Grimm doesn’t leave us hanging. It will get a satisfying ending that fans of the show will appreciate and applaud all the way through. Well, maybe not when they watch X, Y and/or Z die.

Networks are letting shows have their final seasons, so you think why can’t they do them right. Right? Well, Grimm is one of the very few shows that does, so tune in for one last hurrah. I promise you will appreciate it as much as I do!

Thank you to everyone who worked on Grimm for six seasons of getting it right!


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