Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Gordon Ramsay injured in a bike accident
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[ # ] Gordon Ramsay injured in a bike accident
June 16th, 2024 under Gordon Ramsay


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A post shared by Gordon Ramsay (@gordongram)

Earlier this week, Gordon Ramsay went for a bike ride in Connecticut. However, it did not go well, and he says he is lucky to be alive. And the only reason he is still with us is because he wore a helmet.

So he is telling everyone, old and young, to wear a helmet. It is worth the cost because it can mean the difference between life and death.

When it comes to how he is doing, he says he spent some time in the hospital. Then he gave us an update on his condition, “I’m doing ok and did not break any bones or suffer any major injuries but I am a bit bruised up looking like a purple potato.”

The Master Chef lifted up his coat and showed us his upper left torso. It is covered in a deep purple bruise.

Hopefully, he will be better soon, physically and mentally, because you can tell how shaken up he is from it.


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