Seriously? OMG! WTF? » GMA’s Will Reeve forgot his pants during this morning’s broadcast
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[ # ] GMA’s Will Reeve forgot his pants during this morning’s broadcast
April 28th, 2020 under TV News

People all over the world are video chatting from home, so they feel why should they wear anything below the waist. Therefore, they are doing these chats pantless.

However, there is one rule. You must make sure the camera is focused up. That is something that Will Reeve forgot to do during this morning’s Good Morning America. Thus, we all got to see his toned thighs.

How does Christopher Reeve’s (yes Superman’s Christoper Reeve) son feel about his revealing interview? He wrote, “I have ARRIVED*

“*in the most hilariously mortifying way possible.” Robin Williams would be so proud of him.

I know I want to watch his reports from now on.


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