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[ # ] Glee scores tonight!
November 8th, 2011 under Glee

Tonight on Glee at 8p on Fox when Artie tells Rachel and Blaine that they are not feeling the song they are singing from West Side Story for the show because they haven’t had sex, they decide to take a bullet for their art. Will they lose their virginities just to make a performance better or will their partners Finn and Curt put a stop to their plans?
While that may sound like a stupid plot, it actually works in this sweet episode. Lea Michele and Darren Criss’ character handle the situations in different ways with the same results and both performance lead to powerful portrayals from both. But the most powerful one comes from Cory Montheith who blows everyone away with his touching speech!
So tune into the episode that brings Glee back to where it once was during the first season.


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