Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Get to know Past Life in this one!
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[ # ] Get to know Past Life in this one!
February 9th, 2010 under Fox

Tonight on Fox at 9p, after Ellen DeGeneres makes her American Idol debut, the latest procedural will make its debut. Past Life is not like all the other procedural on the air now because they are trying to solve the murder via the person who was murdered and their soul is now in someone else’s body. Maybe because I am into past life regressions and all, but I love this show. It is so different than anything else on TV and it is totally not predictable. I have seen the first two episodes and I had no idea who the murderers were, how their murders were going to play out and how the team was going to solve the crime. If you are sick of seeing the same thing week in and week out with the CSIs and Law & Orders then Past Life is for you! I promise you and your past lives will love this show as much as mine did!
Seriously I saw the pilot for Past Life over the summer and I absolutely loved the show, and I have been waiting for it to debut since then. I was afraid that the show wouldn’t be as good after the pilot, but I actually liked the second episode better!


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[ # 383559 ] Comment from Samantha [February 9, 2010, 7:13 pm]

I loved the show too! Do you happen to know the name of the song they played at the very end? When the bad guy was being driven away by the cops? I’ve been trying to find it and haven’t had any luck.

[ # 383615 ] Comment from Carri [February 10, 2010, 5:49 am]

Its a Coldplay song…its cool that they acquired clearance for the tune as Coldplay doesn’t just give these out….I thing one of the cast members knew Gwenyth.

[ # 383679 ] Comment from Samantha [February 10, 2010, 4:25 pm]

Thank you!

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