Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Get the aspirin ready, tonight in the Lost season finale!!!
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[ # ] Get the aspirin ready, tonight in the Lost season finale!!!
May 13th, 2009 under Lost

Tonight is the season finale of Lost on ABC at 9p and I have been stocking up on Aspirin just for the occasion! The season started it with so many questions my brain couldn’t handle it all. Finally in the last few episodes we started getting answers to those questions and ones from the seasons past, that I was able to retain information once again like, “What year it is?” “What’s my name?” “My husband’s name?” and then remembering I am single. But I digress, back to Lost! We have no idea WTF is going to happen, but you know it is going to bloody amazing and leave us on the edge of the seats until the final season starts up again in January!
So make sure to tune into ABC at 9p an episode that will answer a crapload of questions and ask a sh!tload more!!!


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