Seriously? OMG! WTF? » George Lopez photographed laying down drunk
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[ # ] George Lopez photographed laying down drunk
February 28th, 2014 under George Lopez

(photo from Chad Maura)

George Lopez hit the road with his act, and when he was done with his show at the Caesars Windsor in Canada yesterday he hit the floor because he was so drunk. How drunk was he? Hotel Security arrested him for public intoxication and according to TMZ no charges have been filed yet. After he sobered up, he was sent on his way.
You know the saying the show must go on, well as of now his show there tonight will go on. I wonder if he will talk about this during his set. He should because that is what the people are going to want to hear. At least I know that is what I want to hear. Seriously, there is so much material there. He can say, his room wasn’t big enough so he decided to sleep in the biggest room he could find…the casino. Or since he was in Canada, he wanted to act like their biggest national treasure, Justin Bieber. And so on.
And you know they say there is no such bad thing as bad publicity? Well this is one to get word out that his new FX show Saint George is premiering on March 6th at 9p.


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