Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Gene Simmons latest gross food choice
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[ # ] Gene Simmons latest gross food choice
September 4th, 2020 under KISS

I used to think I had the worst taste in food, but then I found out that that title belongs to Gene Simmons. The Kiss man with the tongue likes to put it on ice cubes in his cereal and it also likes the taste cottage cheese, oatmeal, whipped cream, and blueberries mixed together.

His latest creation came with the help of his wife, Shannon Tweed. She made him a panini with turkey, cheese, and tomatoes. Then he added some hot sauce to it for flavor. Tweed thought that looked good enough to eat, but she was in for a surprise. That is because he added peanut butter to the sandwich when she wasn’t looking.

I get it, tomatoes are a fruit. However, they are not the type of jelly you want to go with peanut butter. Let alone hot sauce. I put hot sauce on almost everything, and even I am like, hell no.

Simmons must have one of the strongest stomachs in the world because how many other digestive tracks can handle his food contraptions.

If Simmons is ever hard up for cash, I say this with love, I hope he never opens a restaurant. He can kiss his money goodbye if he did.


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