Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Game of Thrones wants more blood than spilled during the Red Wedding
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[ # ] Game of Thrones wants more blood than spilled during the Red Wedding
February 19th, 2019 under HBO Max

HBO came up with an interesting and noble way to promote the premiere date of the final season for Game of Thrones. They want you to donate blood to the Red Cross.

They are holding blood drives at SXSW and in 43 states and 9 colleges across the U.S. from March 7-12th. What’s the big deal? If you donate, then not only will get some free cookies and juice you will also get a Bleed For The Throne t-shirt if you mention that is why you are letting them vampire you. There is even more. Everyone who donates from now until March 17th will be entered to win a trip to the show’s red carpet premiere. There’s still more, if you are like me and get lightheaded when they steal your blood, then Lyft is providing rides (up to $10) to take you where need to go.

I already made my appointment for Bleed For The Throne, what are you waiting for?

Don’t forget, Game of Thrones’ final episodes begin airing April 19th. You don’t want to miss a single second which is why they are giving us a month replenish our blood supply.


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