Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Galavant answers our prayers with Weird Al Yankovic!
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[ # ] Galavant answers our prayers with Weird Al Yankovic!
September 1st, 2014 under Galavant, Weird Al Yankovic

As if I needed another reason to love my favorite new show of the year, they give yet another one. First, they created a musical fairytale that we can all enjoy. Then the ABC show cast John Stamos as Galavant’s rival. And now today, Joshua Sassee, who plays the lead role, Tweeted the above photo and said, “You try working with weird Al Yankovic and keep a straight face. I dare you. @alyankovic #Galavant”
That’s right, Weird Al Yankovic follows up his first #1 album and Emmy performance, by playing a Monk on the show according to klikkonthis. That is some heavenly news! Amen!
I seriously can’t wait for you to see the show that I’ve been singing the praises about since I first saw it. It truly is something to sing about.

UPDATE: Karen David, who plays Princess Isabella, gave this update on Facebook, “4:40am. The eyelids are heavy…never thought I’d say this, but I’m looking forward to being in a confessional booth…with the very lovely, Weird Al Yankovic!” Can you imagine being trapped in a confessional with the Schlock Rocker? Actually I can, and I am so jealous of David.

UPDATE: To see a photo of Weird Al Yankovic in his Galavant costume with Princess Isabella, then more

(photo by klikkonthis)


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