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[ # ] Fringe’s winter finale really heats things up!!!
February 4th, 2010 under Fox

Tonight at 9p on Fox is the winter finale of Fringe and let me tell you it is so freaking good! On tonight’s episode the team is called in to look into a NY building that has suffered an unexplainable incident that leaves everyone, but one person dead. What is revealed by that one person will leave Walter asking Olivia to do the unthinkable to save several other people. Will she do it? And can she do it? You will have to tune in to find out. And make sure to watch it all the way until the end because what they reveal in the final seconds of the episode will answer a whole lot of question and ask a sh!tload more.
BTW did I mention there is an intimate moment between Peter and Olivia? You will tune in to see just how far they will go???


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