Seriously? OMG! WTF? » FOREVER and ever, you stay in my heart!
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[ # ] FOREVER and ever, you stay in my heart!
September 22nd, 2014 under ABC
Forever debuts on ABC tonight at 10p and this Sci-Fi procedural that is eternally great.
Dr Henry Morgan (Ioan Gruffudd) is a medical examiner and he knows a lot about death. Not because of his job but because in the last 200 years he has died almost as many times and he doesn’t stay dead. Ever since he died, the first time, almost 2 centuries ago, he returns a few hours later, naked, in a nearby body of water. He has died in so many different ways, and that’s what makes him the foremost expert on death.
Tonight, he will die again and this time someone will take notice. That person is Detective Jo Martinez (Alana De La Garza) and she was called in to investigate the crime scene where he died, but his body is no longer there. Martinez will come to him as a cop going to see a ME, but as the case goes on she realizes he was on that train and then he wasn’t. Now she thinks he is the prime suspect, but the evidence he brings to her, clears his name. Since the evidence was so beneficial, she asks for his help to solve the crime. This will be the first of many times they will work together, and that is the premise of the show.
As of now, he doesn’t tell her his secret, but there is one guy who does know it. His roommate, Abe (Judd Hirsch), and you will find out his connection to Morgan at the end of the episode. You don’t want to miss it because it is one of the sweetest moments from all of the new fall pilots.
Sweet is a great word to describe this show. It is a Sci-Fi procedural with a lot of heart and it will win over your heart by the time the credits roll tonight. If not sooner, like it did mine.
After this week, it moves to its regularly scheduled date and time of Tuesdays at 10p on ABC.


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