Seriously? OMG! WTF? » First Steve Harvey steps in (sh)it, then he wants to say (sh)it!
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[ # ] First Steve Harvey steps in (sh)it, then he wants to say (sh)it!
September 22nd, 2012 under Steve Harvey

Steve Harvey has a new daytime talk show and he decided to have a horse on that show. Well the horse did what comes naturally to him and that was take a big old dump on the set while they were taping the show. Harvey decided to make fun of the whole situation and let’s just say karma bit him on the foot. Because he stepped right in the middle of the pile of poop in his expensive shows. Thankfully he didn’t call it by the name we all do while the little girl was there with him, but you can tell by his face he so wanted to. Although I think we all know what he meant when he shrieked louder than a teenage girl seeing One Direction in person.
I hope they have more animal segments on his show because you never know what can happen with him and them combined. I think we can all agree lots of high pitched noises from both parties!


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