Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Find out who is the Desperate Housewives bride tonight?
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[ # ] Find out who is the Desperate Housewives bride tonight?
September 27th, 2009 under Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives is back tonight on ABC at 9p and after watching the season premiere I am wondering why I am still watching this show. The show wastes no time to tell us who the bride is, but we have to wait until the end of the episode for the wedding. Lynette hates being pregnant, so that will be a boring storyline that will continue throughout the season. Is anyone shocked she doesn’t want to be pregnant since she spent the last 5 seasons complaining about being mom? Gabby hates taking care of Carlos’ niece and the feeling is mutual. The addition of the niece was so not needed. Then there is the new family talking about waste, it feels like the Alfre Woodward’s useless storyline from a few years ago all over again. Oh I forgot Bree because they made her forgettable and she is one of the better characters on the show. It looks like the episode ends in a murder, and that actually has me wanting to watch next week’s episode but not sure how much longer I can stick with this show because it has gotten so unwatchable.
So you know on Project Runways when the designer gets immunity and they are like why should I work so hard on the next challenge? Well that is how it feels like Marc Cherry is treating the show because he was renewed for at least two more years. Why make the show good, it is not like ABC is going to cancel me.


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[ # 361743 ] Comment from Apres Ski [September 27, 2009, 6:08 pm]

Mike was always on the rebound from Susan. He loved her & he really missed her. The other chick was his rebound chick. I knew he was always going to marry Terry Hatcher.

But next week looks good with who tried to strangle Hatcher’s daughter. WOW!! Their new neighbors look creepy!!!

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