Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Family Guy will do a one hour Star Wars episode
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[ # ] Family Guy will do a one hour Star Wars episode
May 25th, 2007 under Seth MacFarlane

Seth McFarlane probably creamed his pants when George Lucas gave him the go ahead to do a full one hour episode using Star Wars characters, actually he is probably still creaming his pants over the news. Family Guy will premiere their new season with a Star Wars: A New Hope in September. According to the Daily Variety the Griffin family are at home when they experience a black out and since they can’t watch TV, Peter decides to entertain the family with a story that leads to Star Wars flashbacks. Here is who will be playing what, “family patriarch Peter Griffin will play the role of Han Solo, while mom Lois will appear as Princess Leia. Evil baby Stewie will be Darth Vader, natch. Brian the family dog will serve as Chewbaca, while son Chris is Luke. Robots R2-D2 and C-3PO will be handled by Cleveland and Quagmire, respectively, while creepy old guy Herbert gets the Obi-Wan character. I wonder if Meg will be Jar Jar Binks and Stewie as Darth Vader is perfect.
As you can tell by the 9 clip montage Seth McFarlane and the Family Guy writers are huge fans of the Star Wars series, so I can’t wait to see what they are going to do with it because I bet you it will be brilliant.
I wonder what Seth had to offer up to get Lucas to give him the rights to do this episode… On that note remember when Carol Burnett sued them for copyright infringement because they used a character from her variety show? Well according to Fox News a Federal Judge is close to announcing that he will dismiss the suit against Fox giving Family Guy the win! What a good day for Family Guy and Seth McFarlane!!!


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