Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Evangeline Lilly out b!tches David Letterman
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[ # ] Evangeline Lilly out b!tches David Letterman
May 11th, 2010 under David Letterman, Lost

Evangeline Lilly was on the Late Show with David Letterman and she actually out bitched him several times. The Lost star doesn’t always come off as the warmest person, and that really worked for her in the interview. I am so happy someone knocked the late night host down a notch because if anyone deserved it is him.
I loved how she called him out for not watching her show and pretending that he did and also not remembering her past chats with him. But what was even better was when she asked him how he would end Lost and he gave a stupid answer, so she didn’t let him live it down. Plus you have to watch what she says that left him speechless.
I can’t believe I am saying this but I finally like her. She really held her own during the interview and even one upped Letterman several times.
Why did it take her 6 years to impress me? She should have been like that from day one. Maybe now because she doesn’t have anything to worry about, she is letting her true self show. Keep it up!
So before we say goodbye to her for a long time, watch her on one of the final 3 episodes of Lost tonight on ABC at 9p!


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[ # 396466 ] Comment from Anonymous [May 11, 2010, 5:10 pm]

She was really a bitch. Actually very rude.

[ # 396474 ] Comment from Erin [May 11, 2010, 8:53 pm]

Yeah, that’s how to further your career.

He interviews two to three people a night. Get over yourself.

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