Last week was the final season premiere of
Eureka and you were probably wondering what the heck is happening several times during it. Well rest assure tonight on Syfy at 9p a lot of it will be explained and it will start to make sense. On Wednesday at the NBCUniversal Summer Press Tour Day, I spoke with Executive Producer
Jamie Paglia and he explained to me why they wrote the storyline the way they did. He said, “We knew that most of the audience was going to be mad with the season premiere. Wait a second, you went back to the past last season and now you are going to go to the future, time travel, come on. We are a little self-aware, we know what to expect in terms with their reactions but in order for this season to work as a whole; we wanted the audience to feel those emotions with our characters. We wanted them to experience what all of these characters are going through. So once this part of the season resolved you remember that. You understand what they went through on a visceral level.” This storyline will wrap up next week, but the effects of it will last throughout the season.
I know how the storyline ends and you will approve, but you have to get through the next two episodes to get that point. And not everyone might make it to next week, but you will have to tune in to find out.
Something you won’t be able to tune into is an episode that didn’t happen because Eureka was cancelled before it could happen. When I asked Paglia what he wishes he could’ve done on Eureka but didn’t; he told me that “We tried to do it before, but timing wise we could never make it work out. I always wanted to do a musical episode. I got to do my animated episode. I got to do my Jurassic Park episode. I got to do my period piece episode. I mean, I’ve gotten to do so many things. I am very grateful for that. So that’s the one I wanted to do. That would’ve happened in season six.” Even though it didn’t happen, he did let me in on something that will happen in the last episode. He said, “The one way I got to satisfy a little bit of my musical urge was that Bear McCreary, who is our composer, and I wrote a song for the finale.”
Since Colin Ferguson (Sheriff Jack Carter) and Neil Grayston (Fargo) were also in attendance at the NBCUniversal Summer Press Tour Day, I wanted to know what they thought about the possibility of doing a musical episode had the show been picked up. Ferguson said, “I would’ve loved it. It would’ve been great. Talking about pushing your boundaries, I’m not singer.” Neil chimed in by saying, “Nor am I.”
While they came out the series unscathed from us hearing them sing, there was an important character that did not come out of the show unscathed. Carl the Jeep was destroyed so many of times throughout the five seasons, I needed to know what was the exact number. Paglia said, “I’m not going to tell you because I am going to have a contest online to see who can figure it out. We will give them a signed script or something fun as a prize.” And if you don’t win the prize, we will all get one on the season five DVD. Because Paglia told me they will have a special feature Ode to Carl the Jeep where we get to see all the torture he went through.
So will this be last time we see Eureka? There have been rumors of a spinoff and here what he shared with me about that, “We have definitely talked about it, but there is nothing hard planned at this point.” So if it does happen (please Syfy make it happen), who will be part of it? He was mysterious with his answer, “I am not going to say yet because I don’t know if I can get them if it works out.”
And this won’t be the last time we see Jamie Paglia because he also told me has a lot of shows in development. Hopefully more than one of them will get picked up because we need more shows from the people who brought us Eureka.