Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Emmy controversy over opening skit
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[ # ] Emmy controversy over opening skit
August 27th, 2006 under Emmys

LEX 18 News ended an evening recap of yesterday’s coverage of the Comair Flight 5191 crash for the live broadcast of the prime-time Emmy Awards. The annual TV awards show opened with shots of host Conan O’Brien bouncing inside a plane before it crashed on an island in a spoof of ABC’s hit show Lost.WLEX’s president and general manager, Tim Gilbert, who was home watching the telecast with his family, was “stunned” by the intro; if station managers had known about the intro before the broadcast, Lexington viewers wouldn’t have seen it, he said.“It was a live telecast — we were completely helpless,” Gilbert said of the Emmys. “By the time we began to react, it was over. At the station, we were as horrified as they were at home.”Gilbert said he’ll complain to NBC, but he said an apology won’t make up for insensitivity.“They could have killed the opening and it wouldn’t have hurt the show at all,” Gilbert said. “We wish somebody had thought this through. It’s somewhere between ignorance and incompetence.”

Lexington Herald 

I do not think it was in bad taste because they were doing a parody on Lost. My sympathies goes out to families who lost people in today’s crash, but this skit was not insensetive.


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