Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ellen DeGeneres makes Octavia Spencer wet her pants!
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[ # ] Ellen DeGeneres makes Octavia Spencer wet her pants!
October 11th, 2012 under Ellen DeGeneres

Octavia Spencer is a guest on Ellen today and Ellen DeGeneres made the Oscar winner pee in her pants. Spencer made the mistake of telling one of the daytime talk show host’s producers that she is afraid of spiders and Ellen used that against her. First she scared her with a big rubber spider being dropped from above and that was enough to have her screaming for her life. But it was the second time when a person dressed as the eight legged creature sneaked up behind her that she really needed some Help. Because as she declared, “I wet my pants a little bit, Ellen.” I know that was cruel but because I am just as much of a sadist as Ellen, I really enjoyed that!
BTW I can’t wait until someone finally gets their revenge on Ellen because it has been a long time coming.


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