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[ # ] Eli Roth nearly died in Inglourious Basterds
May 25th, 2009 under Eli Roth

In a pivotal scene in Inglourious Basterds, Eli Roth and Omar Doom nearly died according to what Eli told MTV Movie Blog.

Eli Roth and Omar Doom were engulfed in flames, but they couldn’t go anywhere. Quentin Tarantino hovered high above them behind the camera, on a crane, outfitted in a flame-retardant suit. The actors had been told they’d be OK, that two tests had already been safely run. They were slathered in protective gel and crew members were poised to extinguish — or attempt to extinguish — the fire if it leapt onto their bodies. Yet the temperature reached 1,000 degrees Celsius and their faces and hands began to burn. The blaze had suddenly raged out of control and there was nothing to do but solider on. There could be only one take of the scene and there was no turning back on the German set of “Inglourious Basterds.”
“If we’d been there another 10 seconds, they said the ceiling would have collapsed on us,” Roth told MTV News from the relative safety of the Cannes International Film Festival, where the cast had assembled to promote the film.

Thankfully the two got out safely and the scene is just another powerful one in Quentin Tarantino’s WWII epic that comes out on August 21st.
Here is a second of the scene (:36 in) and by watching it, you can see how amazing it looks and so much better that it was done for real and not CGed which takes away from the effect of it all.


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