Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Eli Roth looking to re-enter The Funhouse
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[ # ] Eli Roth looking to re-enter The Funhouse
June 10th, 2009 under Eli Roth

Eli Roth told Fangoria that he is talking to Universal about remaking the 1981 horror movie The Funhouse with his production company Arcade.

“I’m talking with Universal about that one,” Roth reveals. “THE FUNHOUSE is a movie where the first half is brilliant—they set up these great characters—and then they pay off none of them. You have Marco the Magician sawing his daughter in half, the brothers who run the carnival and the funhouse setting. And then it’s all about this weird mutant thing. It should be about the kids getting killed in horrible ways, put in different contraptions in the funhouse and the final girl being strapped into the ride and sent into the tunnels to be confronted by terrifying tableaux of her dead friends. A smart remake could be so much fun. Kill the kids in fabulous ways and continually reuse the bodies by making them freaks in the freak museum, sew their eyes shut, waxworks… That’s the stuff I want to do in a remake of THE FUNHOUSE.”

The Funhouse is currently playing on HBO Zone and after watching it today, I am dying to see what Eli will do with this movie. Although I don’t think I should say dying and Eli so close together like that… But seriously what he is saying could really make the movie what it should’ve been and with his genius I know he can do it!!!
Besides going behind the camera again for his upcoming features Endangered Species, Thanksgiving and poss The Funhouse, he is also going in front of the camera again for Piranha 3-D to play a host of wet T-Shirt contest for 16 women and their wet 32 girls according to Bloody Disgusting! I read somewhere that he said this was brutal role for him and in fact he thought before doing the cameo “How will I ever top working with Quentin and Brad Pitt (in Inglourious Basterds)? Well…” Now he knows!!!
Don’t forget before those 4 movies even see the big screen, you can see him in Quentin Tarantino’s WWII epic Inglourious Basterds in front of the camera as Sgt. Donny Donowitz aka The Bear Jew and behind it directing the propaganda film within the film, Pride’s Nation on August 21st.


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