Seriously? OMG! WTF? » DWTS’s Steve-O and Steve Wozniak’s bromance
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[ # ] DWTS’s Steve-O and Steve Wozniak’s bromance
March 30th, 2009 under Dancing with the Stars

Maybe because Steve-O and Steve Wozniak are competing for the most injuries in one season on Dancing with the Stars, it has helped the two form a special bond…a Bromance bond!!! Last week Steve-O posted these pictures and the below blog on MySpace about his new BFF The Woz!!!

Getting Extreme With The Woz
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
Hello Everyone,

After seeing the way George W. Bush landed flat on his face while trying to ride one of these “Segway” contraptions, I must admit I have been terrified of them. They say the way to overcome fear is to face it and, fortunately, my good friend, Steve Wozniak, afforded me that opportunity tonight. We went out for dinner together and, afterwards, the Woz insisted that I learn how to ride the device that maimed the former President of the USA. The Woz has given me nothing but great advice since we met, so I willingly became his student. He taught me everything I needed to know for our journey to the nearest Apple Store, where we posed for photos. I think I can safely speak for my fellow Steve, by saying that we are both deeply touched and honored by the votes from all of you that have kept us alive in this dancing competition- despite the fact that the judges have deemed us to be the two worst dancers to have entered it. Thank you all, so very much.

I love you all,


We need to keep them on the show because we can’t separate them now, not when they are getting close like this! Plus they have the most personality on the show and without them the show will boringier than boring! They might not be the best dancers on the show, but they have heart and they are giving it their all and then some. They have the doctor bills to prove it!!!
Seriously how adorable are they together? We need to keep them together! So vote for the Steves tonight on ABC at 8p!!! A vote for them is a vote for all the Bromances around the world!!!


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