I have to send my computer back to Dell for them to figure out what the heck is wrong with it. I had problems with my motherboard and they replaced it then 27 hours later the new one went bad and their fix (that took 4 days to do) did not work, so my only solution is to send the computer back. Which believe me has me crying like baby to Dell…and using several 4 letter words.
What bums me out more is I wanted to show you all the pictures I took on the Red Carpet of the Flavor Flav Roast that airs on Comedy Central on August 12th. Check out Popbytes and ASL (who were my Red Carpet blog buddies) for reviews of the event until I am up! I also wanted to tell you how amazing Damages on FX is. The show premieres tonight on FX at 10p and believe me this show will have you guessing what will happen all the way to the credits! I wanted to share with you how surprised I am that I actually really liked I Hate My 30's on VH1 that premieres on Thursday at 10:30p. It is really weird how the show grows on you and actually has you LYAO! I am sorry that I will not be able to do contests for The Two Coreys and The Editors, but I will have one for El Cantante that comes out on August 3rd. And don't get me started how frustrating it is that I can't blog about Lindsay Lohan's and Britney Spears' recent troubles…
I am hoping to be back online to review The Two Coreys that premieres on Sunday at 10p If Dell can't get me my computer by then believe me I will be shopping for a new one.
Did I mention I hate Dell???
Please keep reading the blogs below until I am back. And please please please come back when I am back!!!
I will not be able to update for a few days. Hopefully I will be back tomorrow, but I don't think it will be until Monday night…
When I do come back I will tell you all about the Flavor Flav Roast that is taping this Sunday and will air on Comedy Central on August 12th at 10p.
Please visit my blog friends in the meantime!
Thanks for reading!