The body of soul singer James Brown has yet to be buried as attorneys and his children work to settle issues surrounding his estate, including where he will be laid to rest. For now, his body lies in a sealed casket in his home on Beech Island, said Charles Reid, manager of the C.A. Reid Funeral Home in Augusta, Ga., which handled the services. Brown died of heart failure Dec. 25 at age 73. His will has yet to be filed, said Buddy Dallas, an attorney for the singer. The room where Brown’s body lies is being kept at a controlled temperature, and security guards keep watch, Reid said. The funeral home delivered Brown’s body after services Dec. 30, Reid said. Brown’s home has been locked since hours after his death to protect his memorabilia, furnishing, clothes and other personal items, Dallas said. "Just imagine what would have happened," Dallas said. "Items of James Brown would have left there like items off the shelves of Macy’s in an after-Christmas sale." The trustees for his will, along with Brown’s children, will determine the burial site, Dallas said. Tomi Rae Hynie, Brown’s partner, said shortly after his death that she encountered locked gates as she tried to get into the home she says she shared with the singer and their 5-year-old son. She wouldn’t discuss the incident Tuesday, but her lawyer said Hynie should be granted access to the home, although he would not talk about whether Hynie might take legal action. "The hope is that all parties can sit down and figure out what the problem is and what the challenges are," attorney Thornton Morris said. "And once we figure out what the challenges are we’ll see if we can’t resolve something that’s a win for everybody."
That is just so sad, his family and the lawyers should be ashamed. I can’t wait for Jesse Jackson and Rev Al Sharpton to get involved in this because you know they will be vocal about this and imagine what they are going to say. And worse comes to worse maybe Michael Jackson can make a bid on his remains, I am sure that would get the family to put him 6 feet under.