Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dude really looks like a lady!
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[ # ] Dude really looks like a lady!
January 18th, 2011 under Aerosmith

Steven Tyler went on The Late Show with David Letterman yesterday and he entered the studio I was reminded of one of his songs…Dude Looks Like a Lady. Seriously if it wasn’t for the soul patch, I would think that J-Lo wasn’t the only female on the American Idol judging panel.
In his defense without those sunglasses he looks a little more manly. As you will be able to see in the below interview from the show where he tells the gap-toothed host that he used to snorted Lunesta. He then added that he has given up that habit. Is it wrong for me to seceretly wish he would get that monkey back on his back because seeing him high on snorted Lunesta would be the only thing that would get back to watching AI. Not that I want him to blow his recovery, but it would make the show more fun.


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