Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dr. Ruth Westheimer’s advice to men who question their penis size
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[ # ] Dr. Ruth Westheimer’s advice to men who question their penis size
June 8th, 2023 under Dr Ruth

Let’s be honest. We all know men who are self-conscious about the size of their penis. So much so that they are willing to take dangerous pills to make it bigger.

Well, Dr. Ruth Westheimer has a message for them. “I would urge all men who are displeased with the size of their penis to give themselves an erection and then look in a mirror.” the Sex Genius wrote. “Looking down at your penis makes it look smaller. Look at it from the point of view of a partner, and you might be pleasantly surprised.”

Honestly, she is right. We don’t care when we are in the moment with you.

So take your phone out, take your dick out, and take a photo from our perspective when we are about to suck on your dick. You will see things differently.

If more men with small dicks saw things the way we do, then maybe, there wouldn’t be as many dicks in the world. And we wouldn’t know that they have small dicks we don’t want to suck.


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