Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dr Oz has a ball, I mean a testicle, on Jimmy Kimmel Live
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[ # ] Dr Oz has a ball, I mean a testicle, on Jimmy Kimmel Live
May 4th, 2010 under Jimmy Kimmel

(testicle grab starts at 2:00 in)

Yesterday the man that taught us what our sh!ts should look like, gave Jimmy Kimmel and Guillermo a lesson on their testicles and penis size. Let’s just say I learned a lot from Dr Oz on Jimmy Kimmel Live! Did you know that male penis only needs to be 3″ long, but because women like me like them bigger than that the male organ has grown to accommodate us females! He also told us that there is a condom for men who are the size that they really need to be and it is called Snug Fit. I have seen the Magnums (which are the same size as regular rubbers), but I have never seen one for the a snugger fit…thankfully! He then went on to say if a man loses 35 pounds his peepee will grow and inch. What more do you men need to diet?
Seriously that is all very interesting, but none of that affects me. Well the conversation that started it all is Dr Oz says our waist needs to be at least half the size of our height. Both Jimmy and Guillermo failed that test, so Dr Oz told them the bigger the belly the smaller the testicles and that they will have more estrogen running through their bodies than testosterone. With that change their libido will start to diminish, so Dr Oz decided to check their testicles to see if they were big enough to keep them manly. So he put on his gloves and copped a feel of Kimmel and then Guillermo and then Jimmy copped a feel of his security guards balls. Who said late night television can’t be educational. I know I learned a lot from that segment. In fact I had to share my knowledge with my dad, who then asked me what type of filth I was watching.
But seriously it was a fun segment to watch and I am happy to say my waist size is several inches less than half my height. Thankfully!
And finally the absolutely awwwdorable Jorge Garcia from Lost will be on JKL tonight at 12:06a on ABC, maybe he will spill some Lost finale secrets???


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