Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Doug Davidson rushed to the hospital with COVID-19
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[ # ] Doug Davidson rushed to the hospital with COVID-19
October 16th, 2023 under Coronavirus

Doug Davidson attended a fan event with Rick Springfield overseas, and he came home with COVID-19. It got so bad that he had to call 9-1-1 and was taken to the hospital.

“As some of you are aware, I came back from the Dominican Republic with Covid,” the actor wrote. “After three days, I had significant trouble breathing, and I’d like to give a shout out to these fine agencies who were exceptional on every level. 1st: The 911 operator, she was absolutely fantastic. 2nd The Summerland/Carpinteria, fire district and 3rd: Cottage Hospital emergency Department! Hats off to all of them. They were incredible in every regard. Thank you so much!!!@CarpSumFAA,@AMR, @cottagehealth, @johnpalminterinews, @bill.macfadyen”

Thankfully, he is getting better now. And maybe now he will realize that the vaccine isn’t so bad. Perhaps if he had the shot, he would not have to pay an expensive hospital bill.


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