Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Don’t throw things at Steve Harwell unless you want a Smash Mouth
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[ # ] Don’t throw things at Steve Harwell unless you want a Smash Mouth
June 15th, 2015 under Unadmirable People

Smash Mouth was playing the Taste of Fort Collins festival over the weekend and someone threw some bread at the band. The lead singer Steve Harwell didn’t like it, so he let them know. He went off on a four letter word rant, telling the audience to throw something at him; so that he could find them and kick their a$$. He was daring them so much, I am surprised no one did it just to shut him up. I know I wanted to throw something at him. I am not alone because Mandah Crouch, who posted the video, said this on YouTube, “What a classless punk and HASBEEN this guy is. Yesterday while I was at taste there were tons of kids there! This is a family event. He called the crowd p*****? Hardly. Our town has heart. I’d like to personally never invite this man back and kick his butt back into the 90s. Disgusting.”
Can’t say I disagree with her, it was a piece of bread. If Dave Grohl can play with a broken leg and 5 Seconds of Summer’s Michael Clifford can go on after burning half his face, then certainly Harwell can get over the fact that someone threw some bread at him.
Maybe he needed some of the stuff that Colorado is known for these days to lighten up.
Finally, am I the only person who didn’t know that Smash Mouth was still around? I thought they went away with the ’90s?


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