Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Don’t mute Jimmy Kimmel
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[ # ] Don’t mute Jimmy Kimmel
October 22nd, 2019 under Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel is back in Brooklyn this week taping his show, and there was something the ABC host had to do. If you get into a NYC cab, then you might hear a message from him. Thankfully, there is a mute button if you want to silence him like the lambs.

When he heard that a lot of the passengers were muting him, he decided to get revenge on a few of them that did that. He rented a bus and followed behind a taxi that would be playing his video. The only thing is that this one was live and not pre-taped. Therefore, he interacted with the unsuspecting riders. How would the New Yawkers deal with him when they can’t shut him up? Better than I would, which makes me wonder what happened to my city?


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