Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Donald Trump signed a woman’s chest
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[ # ] Donald Trump signed a woman’s chest
December 4th, 2015 under Donald Trump

Just hours after 14 people were shot to death at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, Ca, Donald Trump spent the time signing a woman’s chest on Wednesday in Manassas, Va. Just when you think he can’t do or say anything else reprehensible, The Daily Caller photographed him autographing a strange woman’s breast plate. I think his book’s title is correct, he has Crippled America.
How can anyone think that is Presidential? That is what Porn stars, musicians and actors do, not a man who is running for President
And that woman is way too old to ask him to do that. She is at least 20 years past being too old to have men sign her chest.
As he would say, “So sad.”


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