Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Donald Trump shows off his hair line!
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[ # ] Donald Trump shows off his hair line!
May 11th, 2010 under Donald Trump

So Donald Trump was a guest on Ryan Seacrest’s radio show and the American Idol host asked the Trumpster if his hair was real. In fact Ryan had a woman run her fingers through his hair and she did so half hazardously. After she declared his hair felt real, The Celebrity Apprentice boss lifted the front of his mane to show off his hairline and it was where it should be. I don’t think I have ever questioned if his hair is real, it is more about how much of it he really has left. I do have to admit I was surprised to see his hairline was as close to his forehead as it was, I thought it would be a lot closer to the back of his head.


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[ # 396446 ] Comment from Cindy [May 11, 2010, 12:42 pm]

What is ‘half hazardly?’ Haphazardly means at random. Half hazardly isn’t a word or an expression. I think you meant apprehensively.

[ # 396448 ] Comment from eee [May 11, 2010, 12:50 pm]

“half hazardly” is just what it says.
half of hazardly.
2 halves of hazardly make one whole hazardly.

[ # 396450 ] Comment from Charity [May 11, 2010, 1:19 pm]

He showed his hairline years ago on a TV interview. All there, nothing receding. He’s just sticking with that 80s power hair that got him all the money and image. If it ain’t broke don’t fix, right? Really he can move on to the 90s already.

[ # 396456 ] Comment from jay [May 11, 2010, 2:52 pm]

I’m pretty sure the word is “haphazardly” not “half hazardly”

[ # 396465 ] Comment from Cindy [May 11, 2010, 5:04 pm]

Oh, I’m sorry, you wrote ‘half hazardously’ which makes even less sense. Nice.

[ # 396467 ] Comment from CHeche [May 11, 2010, 5:22 pm]

Donald got hair plugs or some sort of hair treatment because if you look back a 4 or five years ago, theres a picture of him on some race track or where ever and the wind is blowing an you see a bald spot. His hair looks a lot fuller now.

[ # 396503 ] Comment from cookiepuss [May 12, 2010, 9:30 am]

I think you meant to say half heartedly, and it certainly was!

The jacking of the thread continues…

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