Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Doesn’t sound like Rosie O’Donnell likes being in the spotlight again?
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[ # ] Doesn’t sound like Rosie O’Donnell likes being in the spotlight again?
September 23rd, 2006 under The View

i hate rainy days
i would not survive seattle
gloom descends

it feels like a job
not my whole life

again…the press screams
my name in bold
skip good or bad

a gay one showed up
surrogate perfect girls in photos
from long island
my age 2

no matter how much i opened
he could not see in
took the easy way out
gay flag and all

jim mcgreevys hands were shaking
in the green room
humanity trumps celebrity
grace enters for all

quitting aol
as my face appears
way 2 often
with a survey underneath

believe what u feel
u know
what is real

r blog 

At least I think she doesn’t? I just never understand what she writes in her blog.


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