Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Does it hurt more to get tapped or punched on the balls?
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[ # ] Does it hurt more to get tapped or punched on the balls?
June 5th, 2014 under Conan O'Brien, John Krasinski

Emily Blunt was on Conan O’Brien’s show yesterday and some how they got into talking about getting punched in the balls. So then the actress admitted that her husband, John Krasinski and her have talked about that very thing. He told her that it hurts just as much to get tapped on the balls as it does to be punched there. So she asked the TBS host if that is the case and he was like a punch hurts more because a tap is pleasurable.
So since I am girl, and don’t know from that pain, I want to know from you guys what hurts more or does it hurt the same?


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