Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Do you want to walk down the Jennifer Hudson Show Spirit Tunnel?
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[ # ] Do you want to walk down the Jennifer Hudson Show Spirit Tunnel?
January 28th, 2025 under Jennifer Hudson

The Jennifer Hudson Show has been getting a lot of buzz recently because the guests walk through a Spirit Tunnel to get to the set.

What is that? The show’s staff chants or sings a happy song (which is special for each celebrity) as the person walks from the green room to the stage.

It is awesome and gets them into a Happy Place (not be confused with Reba McEntire’s show Happy’s Place) before the interview! Almost everyone boogies down the hallway and thanks their cheerleaders!

If you have seen any of them, then you know you want to walk down that Spirit Tunnel too!

Well, the talk show is giving us a chance to apply to get that special treatment. All you have to do is fill out the application and send them a 2-minute max video talking about yourself and why the show’s staff should cheer you down the hallway.

I don’t know about you, but I am off to make a video. And the best part is I can walk to Warner Bros from my house, so it won’t cost them a thing!


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