Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Do you want a Golden Girls Lego set?
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[ # ] Do you want a Golden Girls Lego set?
April 8th, 2015 under Betty White

Have you ever wished you could be one of The Golden Girls? Well, now you can sort of be the fifth roommate if you vote for Lego to make a plastic version of Dorothy, Blanche, Rose, Sophia and their Miami home minus the lanai. You can recreate scenes from the legendary show or just sit and have a piece of cheesecake with the girls. Either way it’s a dream come true. So let’s make it a reality and tell Lego
we want this box set!
I know I will be there on day one to buy my box if we can make this happen!
To see some of the difference memorable scenes that they have been recreated (including the one with George Clooney), then


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