Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Didn’t he know this did not work out that well for Corey Haim..
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[ # ] Didn’t he know this did not work out that well for Corey Haim..
June 17th, 2006 under Music

British pop star Robbie Williams has scrapped an odd internet competition in which fans fight for his old tooth.

The Angels hitmaker pulled the venture after lack of interest, and admitted the mad molar idea was a mistake.

In a forlorn message on his site the singer said: "Thanks for your great response to win my tooth.

"I always thought it was a bit gross and a weird idea but it was worth a try.

"There weren’t enough ‘yeses’ to run a competition, so I’ll hold on to it and with any luck the tooth fairy will come to visit one night."


Seriously, I can not believe people actually bid on it in the first place…ewwww 

*** For those you who do not get the Corey Haim reference, here is the story


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