Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Did you know we have been saying Denzel Washington’s name incorrectly?
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[ # ] Did you know we have been saying Denzel Washington’s name incorrectly?
November 10th, 2017 under Denzel Washington

You and I have been calling Denzel Washington, Den-zell for all of these years, and we have been wrong. He revealed to Entertainment Tonight’s Nischelle Turner that it is actually pronounced Den-zull. Why the confusion? Because his dad was the original Den-zull, so his mom started calling him Den-zell “for something different.”

So for all of you parents who named your kid Denzel after the Oscar winner, how are you going to pronounce your child’s name now? And for those of you, who did not name an offspring after him, what will you be calling him from now on? I am a creature to habit, so I will stick with what I know.


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