Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Did Tommy Tutone’s Jim Keller finally reveal who Jenny is?
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[ # ] Did Tommy Tutone’s Jim Keller finally reveal who Jenny is?
June 27th, 2024 under 80s

At the end of 1981, 867-5309 became the most famous phone number in the world. Tommy Tutone claimed those digits belonged to Jenny. But who is she?

Franny Keller has been asking her dad, Jim Keller, that question every year. And every year, he doesn’t tell her. Will this year be different?

Why do we care who Jim names? That is because he co-wrote the song with Alex Call (ironic last name). Not only that, Jim’s alias is Tommy Tutone. So he should know the answer.

When it comes to the answer, Keller has said in past interviews it is based on a real person, but Call has said it is not.

So what is the truth? We will have to wait another year because Keller still isn’t telling his daughter.

Therefore, when we get up to heaven, we are going to have ask who Jenny, Jessie’s Girl, Stacy’s mom, and Roxane are.


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