Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Did CNN cut this ABC joke?
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[ # ] Did CNN cut this ABC joke?
July 21st, 2006 under TV News

A gay joke that pokes fun at CNN anchor Anderson Cooper in a new ABC sitcom is expected to end up on the cutting room floor.The show, "Help Me Help You," stars Ted Danson as a troubled psychotherapist who has a patient (played by Jim Rash) who is described as a "self-avowed metro-sexual who is in serious denial that he might possibly be gay."In a tape of the show sent to critics, the character whines, "I’m gay. I’m super gay. And I guess that makes Anderson Cooper gay, too.""They [producers] just kept saying, ‘Just keep improving names that could be gay,’ " Rash told TV critics this week.Cooper’s sexuality has been debated in the media for years. Anderson has never confirmed or denied the reports."I just don’t talk about my personal life," he recently told New York magazine."The whole thing about being a reporter is that you’re supposed to be an observer and to be able to adapt with any group you’re in, and I don’t want to do anything that threatens that," he said."Help Me Help You" executive producer Jennifer Konner told TV critics this week that the joke is likely to be cut out of the show. No one from CNN has complained, she said. The episode simply was running too long.

NY Post 

I just don’t understand why Anderson Cooper does not come out already.


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