I think we can all agree, Eric Carmen’s All By Myself is one of the saddest songs ever sung. Well, Burger King used that melancholy tune in an ad with the Burger King all by himself to promote their $6 King Box for people who have no one to eat with.
Now I am crying and craving that meal. Since the people at the Burbank Burger King (where they filmed Back to the Future) were real jerks to me, I am boycotting their chain. I guess I will go to one of the many other burger joints to get one of those meals. Especially, since those places don’t have problems making friends like the scary Burger King. I was really craving a Whopper that day and when a woman is craving something once a month, she has to have to it. Yeah, I am bitter! Now that I think about, I enjoy this commercial. After all, they say there is truth in advertising. OK! I feel better now.