Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Diana Ross willing to teach younger divas to be just like her…
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[ # ] Diana Ross willing to teach younger divas to be just like her…
December 28th, 2006 under Music

Diana Ross would love to give Mariah Carey and Christina Aguilera singing lessons. The music legend is very impressed by the current crop of female singers and insists she would be happy to give up her time to educate any of them privately. She said: "I enjoy Beyoncé’s music and admire Alicia Keyes, Christina Aguilera and Mariah Carey. I’m ready to give advice and support to any of them that wants that. Because Mariah used to ask when I would spend time with her, I am available to discuss what it takes." The 62-year-old singer says one thing the younger divas could learn from her is how to be a true professional. She said: "I am an extremely organised person. I think I have a good work ethic."

Female First 

When was Diana Ross ever a true professional? Maybe a true professional diva, but not a true professional.


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