Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Death is coming to Desperate Housewives!!!
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[ # ] Death is coming to Desperate Housewives!!!
October 20th, 2009 under Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives is planning a small plane crash on Wisteria Lane for November Sweeps! At first Marc Cherry denied anyone would die, but now according to Michael Ausiello a few people including a fan favorite will die in that crash! Ausiello made a picture of who he thinks it might be, but I am still trying to figure out if there are any fan favorites left? I am at the point if it were jet liner took down the street, it wouldn’t be such a bad thing.
At this point I have no idea who they could be killing off, who do you think it will/want it to be? I wonder if they could do a reversal on Drea’s full season contract because that storyline hasn’t gone anywhere and I don’t think anyone would miss that family if they were gone?


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