Even though, most of us thought that Naked Gun was dead and loving it, turns out that new life is being breathed into the franchise.
David Zucker the man behind the movies posted the above photo and said, “Putting the finishing touches on my latest script: ‘Naked Gun 444 1/4: Nordberg Did It.'”
Nordberg was played by OJ Simpson, so it will be interesting to see if he would back for the fourth movie. Especially with that title. What we do know is that Leslie Nielsen and George Kennedy will not be part of the film because sadly those great talents are no longer with us.
Which makes news of this movie being so close to becoming a reality, after being talked about for at least 8 years, so interesting.
The only other thing I can find out about this film is that Zucker wrote a part for Shaq. Wonder if he would play Norberg’s son?
What do you think of Naked Gun 444 1/4? I am so for it! I loved the Naked Gun movies and miss that type of slapstick comedy!