Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Danny Bonaduce’s message to his fans about tonight’s season finale of Breaking Bonaduce
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[ # ] Danny Bonaduce’s message to his fans about tonight’s season finale of Breaking Bonaduce
December 17th, 2006 under VH1/MTV

Well kids this is IT. Tonight is the finale of breaking Bonaduce. Out of all the things I’ve done on the show, the drugs, the alcohol,and all the craziness I think you’ll find tonight’s episode the most compelling. After the show, or tomorrow if some of you would care to write and tell me what you thought of it, I would appreciate it as something very special happens in this episode. You guys have hung with me all the way through this and I want to tell you this in advance. As a businessman I certainly use my space to promote my television and radio career. If I told you anything different I would be a liar. But the fact is, Gretchen and I have become so attached to you that it is my greatest hope that we remain friends. When I have a show to promote I put it up on the bulletin for all to read. But as hundreds of you can attest when I write you individually I do so as your friend and will continue to do so. With great love and respect. Danny Bonaduce

PS. It looks like I may have a new show anyway and if I do you guys will be the first to know. If you watch the show you have seen Gretchen I fight over some gigantic life altering things. The shows are almost a year old. Now Gretchen and I only fight about who gets to talk to you guys first.

UPDATE: Danny posted this after the above post

Just like a man, I asked Danny to one simple thing. Promote the finale of breaking Bonaduce and then right afterwards our appearance on celebrity paranormal. Just like a man he had half the job. Please watch celebrity paranormal as well as breaking Bonaduce. Thank you. Gretchen.

PS this is me Danny and I actually wrote that for Gretchen. I knew she would yell at me so I just cut out the middleman and yelled at myself and tacked on her name at the end. Love Danny

Danny Bondauce 

Don’t forget to watch the season finale of Breaking Bonaduce tonight at 9:30p on VH1. This has a been a touching season all about making love work and this couple has overcome a lot to make that happen!
Also don’t forget to watch them at 10p as they hunt for ghosts with Chris Knight and Adrianne Curry on Celebrity Paranormal Project! I thought this was the best episode of the season and it is the season finale.
Finally, the two of them are too cute on MySpace!!! 


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