Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dancing with the Stars claims another one?
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[ # ] Dancing with the Stars claims another one?
October 27th, 2008 under Dancing with the Stars

Julianne Hough who was hospitalized after last Tuesday’s show for a severe stomach ache is now saying that ache was a little more serious and she will need to have her appendix removed. According to E! online she will have the surgery tomorrow. Hopefully she will not be out of the competition for the season because I really like her.
So tune in to Dancing with the Stars at 8p tonight on ABC to get the update on Julianne Hough and see what crazy, but fun things Cloris does!
UPDATE: Julianne will have surgery tomorrow and Edyta will fill her dancing shoes until she is healthy enough to do so again. Which could be as early as next week.
Here is to praying her surgery goes smoothly tomorrow and a speedy recovery.
xoxo Michael!
UPDATE 2: Julianne blogged that she will be out for at least next week’s show…:(

They’re doing it laparoscopically through my belly button so I won’t have a scar. My mom had it done a few years ago and she doesn’t have a scar. With my mom and my sister having endometriosis, you can see genetics plays a big part. I guess my brother Derek is the only sibling in the family who doesn’t have to worry about having his ovaries checked.
They say its three or four days of recovery. I’m thinking more like a week. Then I’ll be able to work with Cody. But I won’t be dancing for two weeks.


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